Creating a higher future together, in partnership with many beings of light on the inner planes

Be a Beacon of Light Dispelling the Fogs, Illusions and Denser Energies of the Earth Plane

Kick-off meeting Winter Solstice 2023

The Vision

Originally this came through with a working title of Sanctuary


For many years I have nurtured a vision of offering a high-level Mastermind where members could co-create and rest in higher, smoother, rarified air stably while we’re living our lives. 


But I realized that the call is for something bigger than that. The call is for setting, holding a steady higher vision of ourselves, one another, and the group stably so that everyone in the group is supported to create their optimal outcomes in accordance with their own purpose and divine plan. 

But then as a group, we’re accessing our knowing and our vision as the pure beings, the closer to source beings that we are, from other planetary systems that we might know certain qualities or certain things that might be possible for a species or a planet that is at this particular stage of development, or things we’ve gained in our many lifetimes on earth. What each individual brings to the table is an important part of the group vision that we’re offering as a stable steady tone for the earth and for Humanity, so it’s really World Service. 


It's World Service from the individual perspective: accessing your own Divine Plan your own World Service. But it's also our group harmony and vision, world service as a group body.  

This is a continuum of the group work we’ve been learning and practicing up to this point with The Human, Your Personal Project, Happy Human Creator, Healing Hands, Vibrational child, and all that’s come through in the last 5-10 years of group work and world service. 

And this offering a really steady tone on the inner planes for the Earth. 


This is the putting into practice of what we’ve been learning. 

It's going to require self-responsibility and discipline of the mind and emotions. It's going to require focus.


When I think about the things I’m hearing on the news, I think …WE ARE CREATORS.

 Let us not sit idly by and think we don’t have influence.

Let us activate and access the highest aspect of our minds and our consciousness. 

Let’s develop that, let’s hold it steady for one another, and offer that as part of our contribution to the world we want to see.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


So it’s not just about the individual, it’s about the group, and beyond. With a steady gridwork like this, if you are going through a rough patch, you have the buoyed support of the group to stay in alignment. 

If you have something big to birth into form, be it a family, a practice, an invention, a body of work, an organization that will impact mass consciousness, this group may help you access your vision and bring it through, helping you find even more aspects of your vision and keeping it pure and aligned with the highest plan and vision for Humanity and Earth, so that what you bring through is in resonance with the upcoming shifts and new ways of being.


You are moms, you run a healing practice, you are in a hospital setting, you have kids. You are out there in the world living busy lives, creating and raising families. My role includes holding this steady. That said, each member of this group is responsible for your own resonance and of actively joining the resonance the guides and I will hold steady. 


I feel like this is a small vision compared to what it can become, but that’s how I can articulate at this time. 



This is in partnership with the Planetary Logos and the Solar Logos and the Central Spiritual Sun and the Masters and Guides. 


More background…


You know I’ve been –the Masters and Guides came in and I started looking into creating a program with the Masters and the Guides. I quickly realized a whole lot of things about why it needs to be offered at this very high level. 


One reason is because the resonance is so high it can flush up all the things that aren’t that level of resonance. And so students must be at a certain level of development, and there must be commitment.


The other thing to share is that I’ve been trying to do it alone with the Masters and Guides. And while I can, it took me on my own journey of needing to clear a lot of things in order to be able to hold it for the group.  I needed to do it on my own to be able to be the one to hold to steady, but I’m also really clear that we need a group to really partner with them at the level that is possible, the level that I’m being called to facilitate. 


Mastermind Purpose and Goals Include

What is your vision for your personal life and your world service? What are you committed to create?

  • Actively, intentionally releasing the mantle of suffering for ourselves, offering a tone of sovereignty and liberation to all levels of our own being, our families, communities, The Human and the One Work of Light.

  • Creating a gridwork of light, a community of light on the inner planes that is relevant for us as individual human beings and relevant across our continuum of consciousness, in accordance with our own Divine Plan and Higher Purpose as well as the Divine Plan for Humanity, Earth and the One Work of Light

  • As a group, being a beacon on the inner planes of the highest light we are able to access and generate for our own benefit, in support of our own callings and Purpose and Divine Plan

  • We will access, develop the potential, and add light to our highest visions for our own lives and as our vast consciousness.

  • Your personal goals matter: for example – to be crystal clear about my World Service, Life Purpose as energy and as forms. To create a plan for birthing structures and forms, or begin birthing structures and forms that are in alignment for me across my continuum as well as being in harmony and alignment with Earth. To truly commit and move forward strongly, not allowing anything that is not mine to pull me off my path. Fulfillment, success, confidence, clarity, and joy.

  • Put into practice what we have learned and developed in The Human, Your Personal Project, Happy Human Creator Series, Healing Hands, Twelvetide, and more.

  • This is world service. We will access and hold steady higher and higher aspects of our vision at levels along the continuum of our consciousness, individually, and as a group body.

In Person Retreats

You may join remote or watch recordings--this is a hybrid retreat model. Things we might get up to in our time together include:

  • Working directly with the Masters and Guides

  • Learning, practicing, mastering quality infusion and thought, emotion mastery

  • Group and personal vision, World Service Visioning

Where and when will the retreats be?

We will get into logistics together.

At this time it's looking like two 5-day retreats. One in March in Ireland, and either Boston, Quebec or ? in late summer/early fall.

What's Included and required?

This is a brief summary of what is included and required.

There will be daily, weekly, monthly and yearly requirements which are not all included here.

2 zooms in January to get us going

4 quarterly zoom sessions

Participation in Portals (an 8 month program beginning in February 2024)

At least two in person/hybrid retreats--Spring and Fall.

If Alaya offers additional group programs, they will be optional and included

Monthly zoom nrg included--for Beacon members only, your entire family who lives in your household is welcome to join. You'll need to share one zoom log in and they are welcome join remotely. 

Pet Clinic included up to 2 animals

Application required. Program is underway and there is a window through January to apply. If you meet the pre-requisites and would like to apply, please email [email protected] with the subject line "Beacon Interest".  Portals is a pre-requisite and will be enrolling soon.

 Prerequisites for this first year include regular participation in Human Clinics in 2023, participation in prior programs such as Healing Hands, Your Divine Path of Motherhood, and The Human. A combination of private sessions, daily transmissions, Twelvetide and having worked through a significant number of Alaya's self-study courses in some cases may be sufficient for acceptance into this first year of Beacon. 

Mastermind Creator and Facilitator

Alaya Barnes

Master Healer and Teacher, School Creator and Director

Alaya is an energy engineer, leader, healer and teacher. She began working with clients offering private channeling and energy bodywork healing sessions and teaching groups in San Francisco, CA in 2000.

Since then, she has taught others to channel their guides, to heal, to access past life aspects, to build consciousness and create their life’s work. Many have gone on to create their own practices serving clients as channels, mediums and way showers.

She has helped women all over the world create their families and find their unique path to motherhood, sometimes overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds. Now you may meet some of these women and their little ones in classes. We welcome the little ones.

From 2000-2014 she taught Awakening Your Light Body. She has led groups focusing on their own purpose as well as collective world service from 2001-2019. She has taught 8 day immersive energy bodywork trainings and year long programs helping people heal, embody and move forward with their unique Divine Mission.

In 2009 a group of baby beings got her attention and asked for her help so that they could incarnate as their fullest selves, not having to close off any circuitry or compromise their mental, emotional or physical bodies in order to be born safely.

She currently works with women and couples who are welcoming these children consciously, who are learning to embody their own Divine Self consciousness so that they are a match for these kids. Alaya birthed this work as in 2009.

She now offers group programs for students around the world, helping each individual with their unique and beautiful journey of becoming.

Alaya created of all of the courses in this Thinkific School, including the following courses and programs (some are not yet published for the public):

Partnership with Light Beings and the upcoming Guide School

Divine Mission including Self as Source I and II


Interdimensional Activism

The Human Program

Your Personal Project

Happy Human Creator Series

Healing Hands Program

A Clear Path to Motherhood

Foundations for Motherhood

Energetic Alignment for Motherhood

and the evolution of A Clear Path to Motherhood now offered in 2022, called Your Divine Path of Motherhood.

Training and Additional Teaching Qualifications

In addition to learning from and with Masters and Guides on the Inner Planes and bringing forward much of what she knows from other dimensions and has learned during many incarnations here on Earth, Alaya has had human teachers.

Alaya had the honor and privilege to study for many years with Duane Packer and Sanaya Roman. She learned to teach by first holding space for other teachers, and then teaching the Awakening Your Light Body course which is the original work of her teachers Duane and his guide DaBen, and Sanaya and her guide Orin.

The following courses are a list of skills and courses from the light body through Sanaya and Duane, their lineage that Alaya is eligible to teach. Many of these skills show up in the advanced trainings and programs that Alaya offers.

LB110Awakening Your Light Body Six Volume Course
LB111Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 1 Building Your Power Base
LB112Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 2 Opening Your Heart Center
LB113Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 3 Activating Your Higher Energy Centers
LB114Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 4 Aligning Your Vibrational Energy Bodies
LB115Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 5 Awakening Your Light Body
LB116Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 6 Becoming Radiant
LB121Radiance Filling in the Frequencies: Part 1 Frequencies of Vision
LB122Radiance Filling in the Frequencies: Part 2 Frequencies of Precision
LB123Radiance Filling in the Frequencies: Part 3 Frequencies of Intensity
LB124Radiance Filling in the Frequencies: Part 4 Frequencies of Clarity
LB125Radiance Filling in the Frequencies: Part 5 Frequencies of Harmony
LB126Radiance Filling in the Frequencies: Part 6 Frequencies of Brilliance
LB128Radiance: Volume 1-7 - FrequenciesLB131Radiance Self-Exciting: Building Your Light Body
LB221Radiance Filling in the Frequencies: Part 7 Frequencies of Transparency
LB854DaBen's Light Body Consciousness Teacher's Course
LB911Ceremonies of Light: Part 1 Awakening to Solar Light
LB912Ceremonies of the Heart: Part 2 Awakening the Jewel in the Lotus
LB913Ceremonies of Initiation: Part 3: Awakening the Thousand Petalled Lotus
LB914Peace: Part 1 Living Your Life Purpose
LB915Higher Will: Part 2 Manifesting With Ease
LB916Joy: Part 3 Expressing Beauty and Perfection of Being
LB917DaBen's Clairvoyant Vision: Part 1 Seeing and Sensing Subtle Energies
LB918DaBen's Vision: Part 2 Creating Your Highest Future
LB921Radiance Building Consciousness: Part 1: Expanding Your ConsciousnessLB922Radiance Building Consciousness: Part 2 Continuity of Consciousness
LB923Radiance Building Consciousness: Part 3 Radiating Consciousness
LB924Intuition: Opening to Your Natural Knowingness
LB931DaBen's Awakening Your Light Body Expanded
LB941DaBen's Light Body Consciousness Course: Level 1 Perceiving Energy, Developing Dimensions
LB942DaBen's Light Body Consciousness Course: Level 2 Discovering Equilibrium, Becoming Discernment
LB943DaBen's Light Body Consciousness Course: Level 3 Creating Focus, Mastering Flows
LB944DaBen's Light Body Consciousness Course: Level 4 Precipitating Shift, Manifesting Consciousness
LB945DaBen's Light Body Consciousness Course: Level 5 Being, Beyond Experience-Choosing to Express
LB946DaBen Transitions into Balance: Essence of Being, New Way of Thinking
LB947DaBen's Light Body Consciousness: Exploring Connections with Light Body Consciousness
LB948DaBen's Light Body Consciousness: Manifesting From Light Body Consciousness