Course curriculum

Same as the trial PLUS Alaya's Pendulum Guide!

    1. Welcome to 7 Journeys!

    2. About these journeys

    3. Course Agreements - Creating Our Sacred Container

    4. Set some intentions

    5. Work with your own greater consciousness and guides as you go through this course.

    1. How to work with your journeys. Read plus an audio message from Alaya.

    2. How to work with your journeys - Video

    1. Keep It Simple, Or Flesh it Out

    2. Let's get started!

    3. Set up your session

    1. Welcome to Day 1

    2. We start with Forgiveness!

    3. Journey 5 The Healing Field

    4. What students have said about The Healing Field...

    5. Listening together video - The Healing Field

    6. What's the difference between a self-study course and this deep dive?

    7. Forgiveness Course Journeys Overview

    1. Welcome to Day 2

    2. Journey 1: This Is My Home

    3. Creating Home This is My Home Listen Together Video Replay

    4. What's a Journey, anyway?

    5. What students have said about This is My Home...

    6. Creating Your Ideal Home Journeys

    1. Welcome to Day 3!

    2. Day 3 Mend Your Heart, Open to Love

    3. Who will you release in the journey?

    4. 01 Releasing Self and Other to the Highest Path

    5. Releasing Self and Other to Highest Path + Talk by Alaya ~ The Paradox of Posting ~ Video Replay

    6. What students have said about Releasing Self and Other to Highest Path...

    7. Release Self and Other to the Highest Path Transcript

    8. Mend Your Heart Journeys Overview

About this course

  • $121.00
  • 66 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

Join a higher flow, develop your potential, starting now!

What's included in 7 Journeys - Own it?

All the content from your trial, PLUS Alaya's Pendulum guide!

Here are the album jewel cases --take a peek!

Student Experiences, from around the Globe

These students joined in their own timing from Canada, India, Australia, France, Liechtenstein and in the US ~New York and California

  • " i feel so much work gets done on so many levels, like "spiritual surgeries" resets, upgrades, integration and reconfigurations!"

  • "Really loved this journey and the huge and hard questions it puts in the space. Soothing pains and fears that before this felt too big to articulate or open into. I'm remembering one moment where we didn't have to have all the answers or know how, all we have to do is be aware and with our awareness, to resonate. something like that. Felt very safe and doable. Very healing."

  • "A gift of attunement! This one is so good! Building my trust in clarity. I often have a shaky relationship with clarity but lately feeling like it is here and I just don't recognize it amid the other input. And now I have this gift to listen to this regularly and build. And stabilize in the shift of learning lessons in kind and peaceful ways."

  • "As I began to listen to this journey today I was so restless and I questioned if I would be able to lay still for 30 min. I started to feel a little calmer when they were describing the flow of light throughout the body. Especially the part where the back of the neck /brainstem and third eye were linked. And that was it! I cannot remember anything else consciously. I was surprised how quickly I went from feeling restless to feeling relaxed to crossing over. I came back a few times and each time felt like hours had passed."

  • "I have just started listening to the Creating Home album after some embedded resistence ... i've listened to this first transmission 3 days in a row and each time I listen - I bliss out half way through! Some major things have started happening in my 'space' on the Home front."

  • "Listened last night, I felt quite wired to start with and thought, there's no way I'll cross over for this one, ha! I remember the leyline masters, and holding hands with my son and my partner and his kids. When I woke this morning I felt I could do with a couple more hours sleep to integrate it, these journeys really feel big. Had a massage this afternoon and my therapist commented on how grounded I felt."

  • "There was a spotlight on my heart and a plug extending from the back of my sacrum like a tail. I clicked into another spotlight from above and started walking around in its light. A comment stood out for me that was something along the lines of not being able to show or express your light on a daily basis with certain people in your life but you can now do that. Also not to have judgement on others timing for their alignment."

  • "When asked "why you are here" I said love. And then I could see a bridge going from myself to myself and walking over that bridge towards me now holding a baby in one arm and two little children holding hands with my other hand. That image went into my heart and afterwards the question "where do your intentions come from? Your mind, your heart...". What an amazing question. I was honestly surprised in some way that I was clear in the fact that this intention came from my heart since I have always questioned whether I use my mind too often for decision making."

  • "Then it was said that we had etheric hands and it all came together for me as this new form of healing and discovery. I could see my etheric hands holding my heart. My heart had a thorn which I took out. My hands moved to my throat where a dove formed and flew away. Then it went to my pineal gland and lit up."

A school and community of light, on Earth

When we spend time together connecting with our own Soul and Divine Self, and communicating and sharing from that place of becoming, we strengthen these aspects of our True Being in our own daily life and in relation to others. We build skill and confidence. And we get to be known and seen for our potential, our gifts and our unique energy signature and expression. As we build consciousness we all go higher together. 

Courses developed by Alaya,

In partnership with many beings of light on the inner planes, many beings of Nature, her own Divine Self & Greater Consciousness and ALL the gorgeous and brave humans who joined as students live for these courses.

Alaya Barnes

Master Healer and Teacher, School Creator and Director

Alaya is an energy engineer, leader, healer and teacher. She began working with clients offering private channeling and energy bodywork healing sessions and teaching groups in San Francisco, CA in 2000.

Since then, she has taught others to channel their guides, to heal, to access past life aspects, to build consciousness and create their life’s work. Many have gone on to create their own practices serving clients as channels, mediums and way showers.

She has helped women all over the world create their families and find their unique path to motherhood, sometimes overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds. Now you may meet some of these women and their little ones in classes. We welcome the little ones.

From 2000-2014 she taught Awakening Your Light Body. She has led groups focusing on their own purpose as well as collective world service from 2001-2019. She has taught 8 day immersive energy bodywork trainings and year long programs helping people heal, embody and move forward with their unique Divine Mission.

In 2009 a group of baby beings got her attention and asked for her help so that they could incarnate as their fullest selves, not having to close off any circuitry or compromise their mental, emotional or physical bodies in order to be born safely.

She currently works with women and couples who are welcoming these children consciously, who are learning to embody their own Divine Self consciousness so that they are a match for these kids. Alaya birthed this work as in 2009.

She now offers group programs for students around the world, helping each individual with their unique and beautiful journey of becoming.

Alaya created of all of the courses in this Thinkific School, including the following courses and programs (some are not yet published for the public):

Partnership with Light Beings and the upcoming Guide School

Divine Mission including Self as Source I and II


Interdimensional Activism

The Human Program

Your Personal Project

Happy Human Creator Series

Healing Hands Program

A Clear Path to Motherhood

Foundations for Motherhood

Energetic Alignment for Motherhood

and the evolution of A Clear Path to Motherhood now offered in 2022, called Your Divine Path of Motherhood.

Training and Additional Teaching Qualifications

In addition to learning from and with Masters and Guides on the Inner Planes and bringing forward much of what she knows from other dimensions and has learned during many incarnations here on Earth, Alaya has had human teachers.

Alaya had the honor and privilege to study for many years with Duane Packer and Sanaya Roman. She learned to teach by first holding space for other teachers, and then teaching the Awakening Your Light Body course which is the original work of her teachers Duane and his guide DaBen, and Sanaya and her guide Orin.

The following courses are a list of skills and courses from the light body through Sanaya and Duane, their lineage that Alaya is eligible to teach. Many of these skills show up in the advanced trainings and programs that Alaya offers.

LB110Awakening Your Light Body Six Volume Course
LB111Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 1 Building Your Power Base
LB112Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 2 Opening Your Heart Center
LB113Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 3 Activating Your Higher Energy Centers
LB114Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 4 Aligning Your Vibrational Energy Bodies
LB115Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 5 Awakening Your Light Body
LB116Basic Awakening Your Light Body: Part 6 Becoming Radiant
LB121Radiance Filling in the Frequencies: Part 1 Frequencies of Vision
LB122Radiance Filling in the Frequencies: Part 2 Frequencies of Precision
LB123Radiance Filling in the Frequencies: Part 3 Frequencies of Intensity
LB124Radiance Filling in the Frequencies: Part 4 Frequencies of Clarity
LB125Radiance Filling in the Frequencies: Part 5 Frequencies of Harmony
LB126Radiance Filling in the Frequencies: Part 6 Frequencies of Brilliance
LB128Radiance: Volume 1-7 - FrequenciesLB131Radiance Self-Exciting: Building Your Light Body
LB221Radiance Filling in the Frequencies: Part 7 Frequencies of Transparency
LB854DaBen's Light Body Consciousness Teacher's Course
LB911Ceremonies of Light: Part 1 Awakening to Solar Light
LB912Ceremonies of the Heart: Part 2 Awakening the Jewel in the Lotus
LB913Ceremonies of Initiation: Part 3: Awakening the Thousand Petalled Lotus
LB914Peace: Part 1 Living Your Life Purpose
LB915Higher Will: Part 2 Manifesting With Ease
LB916Joy: Part 3 Expressing Beauty and Perfection of Being
LB917DaBen's Clairvoyant Vision: Part 1 Seeing and Sensing Subtle Energies
LB918DaBen's Vision: Part 2 Creating Your Highest Future
LB921Radiance Building Consciousness: Part 1: Expanding Your ConsciousnessLB922Radiance Building Consciousness: Part 2 Continuity of Consciousness
LB923Radiance Building Consciousness: Part 3 Radiating Consciousness
LB924Intuition: Opening to Your Natural Knowingness
LB931DaBen's Awakening Your Light Body Expanded
LB941DaBen's Light Body Consciousness Course: Level 1 Perceiving Energy, Developing Dimensions
LB942DaBen's Light Body Consciousness Course: Level 2 Discovering Equilibrium, Becoming Discernment
LB943DaBen's Light Body Consciousness Course: Level 3 Creating Focus, Mastering Flows
LB944DaBen's Light Body Consciousness Course: Level 4 Precipitating Shift, Manifesting Consciousness
LB945DaBen's Light Body Consciousness Course: Level 5 Being, Beyond Experience-Choosing to Express
LB946DaBen Transitions into Balance: Essence of Being, New Way of Thinking
LB947DaBen's Light Body Consciousness: Exploring Connections with Light Body Consciousness
LB948DaBen's Light Body Consciousness: Manifesting From Light Body Consciousness

Is this right for me?

Is this right for me?

The best way to know if this is for you is to find a quiet place or moment to sit, close your eyes, and ask your higher self. For example,

“I ask to be connected to my higher self.


I ask to be connected to my soul.


I ask to be connected as my divine self.


Is this right for me?”

(wait. listen. feel. sense).

Notice how your body feels. Maybe you’ll hear a still quiet voice say yes or no. Maybe you’ll have an emotional feeling that feels uplifting and opening, or sense something more closed. Maybe you’ll see something with your third eye, or notice the light in the room shifting in some way. Be patient. Give it a little time to settle. If you still aren’t sure, ask for more clarity.

“Please help me to be clear if this is right for me. Please show me in three different ways that are kind to myself and others whether or not this is in alignment for me at this time. Thank you.”